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Jonathan Betts

Jonathan Betts

The books are listed in alphabetical order of title.

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Book cover: Harrison Harrison
Jonathan Betts: Published 1997, fourth edition 1999 by National Maritime Museum Publications, 24 pages, paperback, ISBN 0948065338
Copies are available from National Maritime Museum
Includes a small piece and a photograph of Lieutenant Commander Rupert T. Gould RN who restored the timepieces
in print Book cover: Harrison Harrison
Jonathan Betts: Published 2007 by National Maritime Museum Publications, 96 pages, paperback, ISBN-10 0948065818, ISBN-13 978-0948065811
in print Book cover: Time Restored Time Restored - The Harrison Timekeepers and R.T. Gould, the Man Who Knew (Almost) Everything
Jonathan Betts: Published 2006 by Oxford University Press, 480 pages, hardback

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