www.ashtead.org | Links | Ashtead Churches Men's Group

Ashtead Churches Men's Group


Strength in Unity

A group of like-minded men from all the Christian churches in Ashtead, who wish to develop friendships and express their common faith beyond attending their various Sunday services.

Beyond our breakfasts, we seek other opportunities to extend our friendship, pursue our interests, support each other, and live out our faith in the wider community.

Men's Regular Events
Breakfast Timetable 2023 & 2024
Saturdays 8.00am to 9.30am
Cost: £4, except Christmas £10
Date: Speaker: Details: Venue:
21 Jan 2023 Julia Brand & Phil Marlow Besom St Michael's Hall
18 Feb Baron Armah-Kwantreng 8GR8SONGS - a Life Story Through Music Ashtead Baptist Church Hall
18 Mar Andy McGregor Bereavement Counsellor, St. Andrew's St George's Christian Centre
15 Apr Chris Grayling Topical Issues - thoughts for today! St Michael's Hall
20 May Gareth Evans Ashtead Rotary Ashtead Baptist Church Hall
17 June Andy Carter Remembering St Giles' Dell Centre
15 July John & Gwynneth Cooper Tristan da Cunha St Michael's Hall
August No meeting
16 Sept Sarah Tapp Associate Minister St Giles' & St George's Ashtead Baptist Church Hall
21 Oct Mike King Deck of Cards St George's Christian Centre
11 Nov John Griffin Remembrance St Michael's Hall
16 Dec Christmas Special Full English Breakfast, Santa, Carols etc. St Giles' Dell Centre
20 Jan 2024 Richard McKenzie Former Head, St Peter's School St Michael's Hall
17 Feb Prof. David Phillips Chemistry of the Atmosphere Ashtead Baptist Church Hall
16 Mar Phil Knox Friendship St George's Christian Centre
20 Apr Dr Alison Anderson and Dr James Close 10 Precious Minutes: The GP Consultation St Michael's Hall
18 May Bill O'Neill You Only Live Twice Ashtead Baptist Church Hall
15 June Philip Robinson Trauma, Loss and Spirituality St George's Christian Centre
20 July Glynis Perkins Dementia Care / The Conservatory St Michael's Hall
August No meeting
21 Sept Tom Sefton / Jenny Moore Leatherhead Hub Ashtead Baptist Church Hall
19 Oct James Close jr Rethinking Drugs Policy St George's Christian Centre
16 Nov Andy Bannister How to talk about Jesus without feeling an idiot St Michael's Hall
14 Dec Christmas Special Full English Breakfast, Santa, Carols etc. St George's Christian Centre

See also Mission for more details on Ashtead Churches Together (ACT) and other groups

Contacts: Martin Hiley (St Giles') 273095, Colin Taylor (St George's) 815715, Bill O'Neill (St Michael's) 274346, Mike King (St Michael's) 277140, Ian Grimstone (Ashtead Baptist Church) 272606
Or to join the mailing list for reminders, or more information: email us
Or simply turn up on the day and see for yourself.