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These books are listed in alphabetical order of title. Many of these books have been recommended by members of the St George's & St Giles' congregations.
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Just click on the books below or their links to go to Amazon's relevant pages.90 Minutes in Heaven - A true story of death and life
Don Piper: Published 2005 by Kingsway, 208 pages, paperback Don Piper, a Baptist minister, is driving home from a conference when his car collides with a lorry. He is killed instantly and for 90 minutes he experiences heaven, which is described in two chapters of this book. In heaven he is reunited with friends and family, he hears beautiful music and experiences a great sense of peace and happiness. Meanwhile, back at the crash scene, another minister prays for Piper even though he knows that he is dead. Piper comes back to life. The rest of the book describes his depression during a long and painful recovery from his injuries. This is a true story illustrating an individual's faith being severely tested, but it will assure you that God is faithful and will bring you through all of life's circumstances - RB2 | ||
Back to Jerusalem - Three Chinese House Church Leaders Share Their Vision to Complete the Great Commission
Paul Hattaway: Published 2003 by Gabriel Publishing, 196 pages, paperback Intense persecution has created a church [in China] that is passionate about spreading the Gospel, even if it means dying for it. Their vision is to take the Gospel to the 50 least evangelised countries and they're all located between China and Jerusalem. This vision is called Back to Jerusalem and a book of the same name tells all about it. It's exciting and challenging. Right now there are already hundreds of Chinese missionaries working outside China and thousands more in training. Our Chinese brothers and sisters need our support particularly in prayer - RB | ||
Henry Cloud, John Townsend: Published 2004 by Zondervan, 304 pages, paperback Most people have little real understanding of boundaries in relationships and their value. Even fewer of us realise that boundaries or setting limits are a God-given gift to help us thrive rather than simply survive in life. Reading this book could change your life and relationships for the better and is specifically designed for those of us who have allowed ourselves to be buried in the inability to say "no!" It's eminently readable and practical and if you don't find yourself saying "yes that's me" in every chapter then you are probably one of the blessed few who already know when to say yes and when to say no and how to take control of your life. The rest of us need to read this book - trust me! - SC |
Celebration of Discipline
Richard Foster: Published 1999 by Hodder & Stoughton, 276 pages, paperback |
The Christian Travelers Guide to Great Britain
Irving Hexham: Published 2001 by Zondervan, 245 pages, paperback See also Christian Travelers Guide to Britain's own site | ||
Cracking Da Vinci's CodeYou've Read the Fiction, Now Read the Facts
James L. Garlow, Peter Jones: Published 2005 by Kingsway, 256 pages, paperback If you have read Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code' you could have been left with a number of questions that may have troubled you. 'Cracking Da Vinci's Code' is a book filled with background detail and information. These two Christian writers have given us a well-researched insight into the false propositions to discredit Jesus and the Christian faith, which are the theme of this story. This is an excellent book which both challenged and reassured me. I recommend it to anyone who has read The Da Vinci Code - AW | ||
Cracking Da Vinci's Code - You've Read the Fiction, Now Read the Facts
James L. Garlow, Peter Jones: Published 2005 by Victor, 108 pages, paperback | ||
The Cross and the Switchblade
David Wilkerson: Published 1984 by Baker Book House, 226 pages, paperback |
Not available from Amazon |
Entertaining Angels
"Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:1-2 NIV The Parish of Ashtead: Published 2001 by The Parish of Ashtead, 156 pages, paperback | |
God and the Biologist - Personal Exploration of Science and Faith
R.J. Berry: Published 1996 by Apollos, 160 pages, paperback This new book is an engaging account of how a leading biologist and geneticist has encountered science and faith in his own life. It is a guided journey through the momentous issues of evolution, the genetic revolution and environmental ethics. There need be no barriers, Professor Berry believes, between real science and real faith. For some of us simpler souls who are not scientifically minded it is an encouraging and helpful book. - PO | ||
The God Chasers - My Soul Follows Hard After Thee
Tommy Tenney: Published 1999 by Word Entertainment, 152 pages, paperback Provocative and challenging book about being real about what God is doing in the community. It emphasises that we need to actively seek God. - PM2 If you want a book to rouse or infuriate you then this could be it. It has some good messages but in their explanation and amplification the book can seem repetitive at times. The book looks at whether we are content with our experience of God, whether we want to see His hand at work more, or whether we want to look at his face. Do we want to be closer to God's hand (for what he can do for us) or his face (that we might reflect his glory). The book may be full of gems, such as
| ||
The Good Life - Where Morality and Spirituality Converge
Richard M. Gula: Published 1999 by Paulist Press, 144 pages, paperback I have just read a fascinating guide, The Good Life. It explains how, from buying coffee to getting a pension, the way we spend our money can change people's lives in the Third World. I imagine that you too may be concerned about workers and communities behind the products we buy every day - BW | ||
A Gospel of Wild Flowers
Anthony Foottit (Author), Pat Albeck (Illustrator): Published 2006 by David & Charles, 128 pages, hardback | ||
The Healing Light
Agnes Sanford: Published 1981 by Arthur James, 188 pages, paperback | ||
Hearing God
Dallas Willard: Published 1999 by Harpercollins/STL, 241 pages Covers everything you need to know about being close to God, communicating with Him, telling Him what's on your heart in prayer, and understanding what He's saying to you. Richard Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline and someone who has written an excellent book on prayer himself says, "This is the best book on guidance I've ever read." Bill Hybels author of Too Busy not to pray, says "Few books have challenged me like this one." It's quite wordy because he covers so many aspects of hearing God, but it's incredibly helpful. I thoroughly recommend it. - RB | ||
The Heart of Success
Rob Parsons: Published 2002 by Hodder & Stoughton, 238 pages, paperback Very easy to read book which is aimed at businessmen (and women to a lesser extent) on how to succeed whilst keeping life in perspective and retaining balance, especially with family life. Based around a (fictional) MBA student having weekly evening lessons with a wise retired lecturer. - PM2 | ||
The Heavenly Man - The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun
Paul Hattaway: Published 2003 by Monarch Publications, 352 pages I've been enormously encouraged and deeply challenged - I was unable to put the book down until I had finished it, and have not stopped thinking about it since. - RB Napoleon once said, "When China is moved it will change the face of the globe" Today these words are becoming a reality through the powerful vision of the Chinese church. Great persecution has caused the church to grow in numbers and strength. If you haven't read The Heavenly Man the story of how God took a young half starved boy and used him mightily to preach the Gospel, despite horrific opposition, you are missing a profound experience which is challenging, encouraging and inspirational - RB | ||
The Hiding Place
Corrie Ten Boom, John & Elizabeth Sherrill: Published 1976 by Hodder & Stoughton Religious, 221 pages, paperback | ||
The Jesus I Never Knew - Participants Guide
Philip Yancy: Published 1999 by Zondervan, paperback Looks at Jesus public ministry in the context of the 30 years he spent with his family growing up and preparing for his ministry. Gives some excellent insights into the character of Jesus. - PM2 | ||
Killing Fields, Living Fields
Don Cormack, Peter Lewis: Published 2000 by Monarch Publications, 464 pages, paperback |
The Miracle Maker - The Greatest Story Ever Told
Murray Watts: Published 2000 by Hodder & Stoughton General, 302 pages, paperback See also list of Other Items of Merit for audio cassette, DVD and video versions of the book See also The Miracle Maker's own site | ||
Nobody's Child - The Stirring True Story of an Unwanted Boy Who Found Hope
John Robinson: Published 2003 by Monarch Publications, 160 pages A stirring true story of an unwanted boy born in this country, who eventually found hope through the love of God's people. John Robinson had the worst possible start in life and yet now he's bring hope to others. - RB | ||
The Prayer of Jabez - Breaking Through to the Blessed Life
Bruce Wilkinson: Published 2000 by Multnomah Books, 96 pages, paperback He brings to life a powerful little prayer squashed between an endless list of genealogies. He encourages us to take the spirit of this prayer and pray it daily. It's certainly not meant to be prayed as a mantra, but prayed with faith from the heart it can have remarkable results. - RB | ||
The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study
Bruce Wilkinson: Published 2001 by Multnomah Books, 64 pages, paperback | ||
The Prayer of Jabez Devotional
Bruce Wilkinson: Published 2001 by Multnomah Books, 125 pages, hardback |
Reaching for the Invisible God - what can we expect to find?
Philip Yancey: Published 2000 by Zondervan, paperback; and also published by Harper Collins and Walker & Company From the author of What's so amazing about Grace? Comes and equally brilliant book - and already another best-seller. Yancey tackles head on some of the awkward aspects of our faith: unmet expectations, doubt and our more general struggle sometimes to connect with God. This book doesn't pretend to have all the answers, but it helps us to live with some of the uncertainties and imponderables - and to keep going. It is readable, honest, meaty and totally liberating. - AC2 | ||
Reaching Out
Henri J.M. Nouwen, Gerard Hughes: Published 1998 by Fount, 160 pages, paperback In this classic work, Henri Nouwen responds to the question "what does it mean to live a life in the spirit of Jesus" he explores three movements of the spiritual life: reaching out to our innermost self from mere loneliness to Creative solitude, reaching out to our fellow human beings from arid independence to self-giving and finally reaching out to God who "calls us from the darkness of our illusions into the light of his glory". - SS |
Saint Giles
F. Brittain: Published 1928 by W. Heffer & Sons | ||
Secrets of the Vine - Breaking Through to Abundance
Bruce Wilkinson: Published 2001 by Multnomah Publishers, 126 pages, hardback Those who enjoyed the Walkthru the Old Testament seminar will recognise Bruce Wilkinson's name. His book Secrets of the Vine is a little book with some big insights. It is based on John 15 and is the heart of Jesus' final message to his disciples on the night he was betrayed. "I am the vine; you are the branches…" is well known and yet I discovered new truths as I read it with the help of this book. I thoroughly recommend it. - RB | ||
Son of God
Angela Tilby: Published 2002 by Hodder & Stoughton, 208 pages, paperback | ||
Soul Survivor - How my Faith Survived the Church
Philip Yancey: Published 2001 by Hodder & Stoughton General, 313 pages, paperback | ||
Surprised by the Voice of God
Jack Deere: Published 1996 by Kingsway Publications, paperback 'This book is a good read…' At least that is what my brother wrote on the inside of my recent birthday present. There is nothing to beat a good book to launch oneself into a new year. Mark Twain once said, "The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them" For a good ripping yarn I have a particular passion for books by Dick Francis or Robert Goddard. Good racy stories (forgive the pun for those who know Francis books) without anything offensive. What about a good spiritual book to set the scene for 1997? My suggestion would be Surprised by the Voice of God by Jack Deere Written by the same author as Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, which is a very helpful coverage of charismatic theology, this new book is a balanced and refreshing look at how God speaks to us today. Deere covers the means of God communicating with us through the bible, experience, supernatural means and natural means. He also looks at how to learn the language of the Spirit and avoid the obstacles. David Pytches on the cover of the book is quoted "Those who 'covet to prophesy', or to understand more about prophecy, will want to sell their beds to buy this book." I think what he means is that this book is a 'good read'. How about making hearing God better a goal for 1997 and using this book to that end? Perhaps use this verse as a prayer for l997 as well: "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better." Ephesians 1:17 NIV Have a good read! - JP |
Too Busy Not to Pray
Bill Hybels: Published 1998 by Inter-Varsity Press, 192 pages, paperback |
What's so Amazing About Grace?
Philip Yancey: Published by Zondervan, paperback Looks at the concept of forgiveness and "unforgiveness" in the context of God's grace. It is an easy to read book which is immensely challenging in examining our views regarding others. It reminds us that God's grace is infinite and can not be earned. A Christian classic which will not quickly fade away. - PM2 See also review on Reaching for the Invisible God | ||
Who You Are (When No One's Looking) - Choosing Consistency, Resisting Compromise
Bill Hybels: Published 1987 by Intervarsity Press, 113 pages, paperback US edition of Who Are You (When No One's Looking)? | ||
Who Are You (When No One's Looking)?
Bill Hybels: Published 1993 by Kingsway Communications, paperback Have you ever said, "I want 'who I am' to be visible on the outside". To people this often appears to be the ultimate goal. This book gives us as the reader ten short chapters (whole book is 111 pages) detailing our need of character and our need of 'tough love' especially. This book is short enough to be read during a fortnight, but its outpourings challenging enough to help change our lives. To have a character like Christ's, or integrity which is transparent, or discipline that's contagious to name but three. It will inspire you to make the ultimate goal, true transparency, a realistic expectation, I recommend it. - AP UK edition of Who You Are (When No One's Looking) | ||
Who Moved the Stone?
Frank Morison: Published 1958 by Faber and Faber, 192 pages, paperback | ||
Who Moved the Stone?
Frank Morison: Published by Paternoster Press, paperback | ||
Whose Promised Land? - The Continuing Crisis Over Israel and Palestine
Colin Chapman: Published 2002 by Lion Publishing, 347 pages, paperback | ||
Windows of the Soul
Ken Gire: Published by Zondervan, paperback For anyone who wants to see and experience God in new ways this book is an absolute must. It makes both easy and compelling reading as it describes in a refreshing and exhilarating way how God is revealing something of Himself through everyone and everything, everywhere at anytime if we have eyes to see. The author begins by explaining how we can recognise and embrace these 'God moments' which fuel and feed the deep spiritual longings inside each of us. He suggests these windows of opportunity are to be found in our work, literature, art nature, dreams, films, music and even the moods we go through. He uses beautiful and powerful prayers and poems to unpack each theme which leave you wanting more - more of God. This book is not just for those who know God already but for those who are searching. - SC | ||
Window on the World - When we pray God works
Daphne Spragett, Jill Johnstone: Published 2002 by Paternoster Press, 211 pages, hardback | ||
Wonderful Revelation to the World
Motovilov: Published 1993 by Saint Nectarios Press, paperback It tells of how to seek God's grace. - PM2 |