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Mark Elsdon-Dew

Mark Elsdon-Dew

The books are listed in alphabetical order of title.

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The Collection - Christian Teaching for Todays Church
Mark Elsdon-Dew: Published 1996 by HTB Publications, 221 pages, paperback
in print The God Who Changes Lives
Mark Elsdon-Dew: Published 1998 by Alpha Publications, 284 pages, paperback
in print The God Who Changes Lives, vol 2 The God Who Changes Lives, vol 2 - remarkable stories of God at work today
Mark Elsdon-Dew: Published 1998 by Alpha Publications, 237 pages, paperback
in print The God Who Changes Lives, vol 2 - remarkable stories of God at work today
Mark Elsdon-Dew: Published 1999 by David C Cook Pub Co, paperback
US flagUS edition
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